New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

All Blog Posts (347)


Hello all,


I am an ordained Primitive Baptist minister in North Carolina. I recently began to feel a longing and a desire for holiness and Godly living. In the course of my study of the Holy Scriptures I began to sense that the church I have served in, the church of the 21st century, was not the Church of the Lord Jesus.  As I began to pray and study more and more, I began to see that one church is of the bondwoman and the other of the free.


Then Isaac…


Added by Bradley Keith Whitley on 2ndMo. 26, 2011 at 3:33 — 2 Comments

Did the Apostle Paul believe Jesus was the Prophet-like-Moses? And does it matter? An Introduction

Hello friends,

This is my first attempt at an original blog post and it will probably show.  Please bear with me as I find my way forward with both the topic and the technology.

Here are my short answers to the questions above:

  1. I hope so.  That is what this series of blog entries and responses will attempt to explore
  2. I believe it is important because if it is true, it may help give us a new starting place for understanding the work and…

Added by Dan Davenport on 2ndMo. 19, 2011 at 21:00 — 4 Comments

From a Friend in America

I am new to this website but I am not new to the Society. My initial connection was through my Quaker mother, who introduced me to the Westbury, New York meeting, which (without my being aware of it at the time) made me a birthright Quaker.

This would have been in the 1950s, and my childlike perception of that meeting in Westbury was that things were good, very good, there. Likely that perception was accurate, that things actually were good there. The meeting was vital, supportive,…


Added by Lawrence Richard Black on 2ndMo. 12, 2011 at 14:18 — 5 Comments

Answers to Questions Posed by a Liberal Friend

Due to the public nature of my outreach through, I sometimes have readers pose interesting questions. Recently a liberal Friend expressed concern about the wave of Conservatism that was overtaking the US, and she feared, the Religious Society of Friends. After some back and forth, we worked out three questions that spoke to some of her concerns, which I then answered. Even though this is in reference to the branch of Conservative Quakerism in the US rather than New Foundation…


Added by Isabel Penraeth on 2ndMo. 1, 2011 at 13:03 — 9 Comments

Two New George Fox Books Coming Out From Cambridge

Good Friends:

I work in a book and tea shop so I try to keep track of new books coming out. I see that Cambridge University Press is issuing two new books on George Fox; I believe they are scheduled for later this year, at least in the U.S. They are:

The Short Journals and Itinerary Journals of George Fox

Norman Penny, Editor

ISBN: 1108015328

The Journal of George Fox: 2 Part Set (Revised Edition)

John Nickalls,…


Added by Jim Wilson on 10thMo. 16, 2010 at 20:56 — No Comments

Worship and Ministry: Preparation for ministry, and it's rightful place in worship

Yesterday (26-9-2010), at our Quarterly Gathering at Ely, we used a piece from George Fox as a way of sharing and nurturing our faith as Christian Friends.

This piece is a sermon preached by Fox to Ministering Friends at a very early Yearly Meeting held at…


Added by Allistair Lomax on 9thMo. 26, 2010 at 18:00 — 1 Comment

Quotation from Lewis

Here's a quote from Lewis that I like because it identifies the work of New Foundation Fellowship and calls us to the task:

I have only been able to think of the New Foundation Fellowship as a group of people banded together to help and strengthen one another in the work; and I have only been able to think of the work as proclaiming the everlasting gospel preached by the apostles and George Fox....The people who are traveling and speaking really need help. Team work is the…


Added by Patricia Dallmann on 9thMo. 22, 2010 at 20:56 — 1 Comment

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