New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

Ellis Hein's Comments

Comment Wall (53 comments)

At 15:23 on 7thMo. 6, 2011, Tom Smith said…

We have been in the Minneapolis area for about a year. My major connection with NFF is that for 3 years we attended Manasquan MM with Lewis Benson. My father was a pastor in Indiana YM (FUM) and a missionary in Jamaica and Kenya. He was a student of Friends history and tried to convey the living Christ 24/7. We moved to NJ after my PhD in Science Ed and became "convinced" "unprogrammed" Friends especially with Lewis and other members there. I have been a member or "active attender" in FGC, FUM, Independent(Beanite), EFCI, and Conservative Meetings.

We are now "retired" near our daughter and her family.

At 12:14 on 7thMo. 7, 2011, Peter Glass said…

Hello Ellis,

I haven't yet met or known about Tom Smith, but am looking forward to perhaps meeting with him.

Thanks for the information!


At 7:28 on 7thMo. 11, 2011, Stuart Masters said…

Dear Ellis,


Thank you for your welcome. Just read your piece on the Lord's Prayer. Appreciated it!





At 2:34 on 7thMo. 22, 2011, Peter Glass said…

Hello Ellis,

b.t.w I emailed Tom Smith, but haven't received a reply yet. I'll track him down somehow, as he sounds like an interesting contact.



At 17:28 on 7thMo. 22, 2011, Allistair Lomax said…

I'll put it to the other members of the site committee to see what they think?

Paul and Mike, any comments to this suggestion?

At 8:54 on 7thMo. 26, 2011, Kenneth Schroeder said…
Hi Ellis. As I am a bit isolated here in Portugal, and have no meeting to attend, I am always looking for other ways to surround myself with Quakers. Aside from the Bible and my Quaker Reader, the internet  seems to be the best way to do that. I am sure NFF will be a help to me, and I hope to contribute to the mission of NFF as well. Thanks for your interest, and I look forward to communicating with you in the future.
At 14:00 on 9thMo. 3, 2011, Peter Kennedy said…
Greetings from Scotland Ellis.  I have been a Quaker for just over 20 years and am saddened that some British Quakers do not seem to be interested in the words of George Fox and the early Quakers, they see them as being secondary to their Quakerism.  How often do we hear the words of early Friends quoted in ministry?  Fox said that Christ had come to teach his people himself, but we rarely hear his teachings or name in ministry either.
At 19:25 on 9thMo. 4, 2011, Peter Kennedy said…
I've been to one NFF meeting a few years back - in Edinburgh.   I work in Employabilty - supporting those with disabilities, mental health or substance misuse to get or maintain their employment.
At 15:53 on 9thMo. 5, 2011, Stephanie Stuckwisch said…

Hi Ellis,

No, it's not my work. It's the abalone inlay on the peghead of my mountain dulcimer. The luthier is Janita Baker.


At 22:35 on 9thMo. 11, 2011, Stephanie Stuckwisch said…
Sorry, Ellis. It's rosewood. The luthier told my walnut is too soft for an inlay.
At 21:34 on 12thMo. 1, 2011, Emma Green said…

hi Ellis


yes you are right.  There is even a debate over here as to whether BYM should still use the title "Religious" Society of Friends.  Aparently that may put some people off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 14:01 on 3rdMo. 31, 2012, Malcolm Winch said…

I am sorry to have left it so long before thanking you for your welcome comment. I have had technical difficulties, but am now up and running and customizing my page etc. I have supported the work of NFF for some time, and have decided to work within my own Area Meeting. Interest in our work is developing.  I will be at Friend's House and at Woodbrooke. Simon Watson and Joseph Pickvance's son Richard are members of my meeting. Being on the Library Committee gives me an opportunity to

to introduce appropriate books, and I want to ensure that the Meeting has a complete set of the New Foundation Papers.

At 15:54 on 9thMo. 30, 2012, Malcolm Winch said…


We seem to be developing our Polish connection. Our Friend Tomasz has been in England again. He visited Allistair, and joined our Meeting Group in London.

We now have a translation by Henry Kobylski of work by Lewis Benson and it is hoped, by me at least, that we will be able to put some Polish material on this website. There is an impression of a real need among Polish Quakers, and some other Christians, to hear what we have to say. So maybe we are being led to look East.

Thy Friend in Christ,


At 9:54 on 10thMo. 2, 2012, Malcolm Winch said…


Great news concerning South Colorado. I pray that it comes about. I cannot match it I'm afraid, but I have been approached to give a talk to our local Womens' Church Fellowship. Seriously though, we have to make ourselves known, not only to other Friends, but also to other Christians. It is particularly difficult on this side of the Pond,  where the number of liberal Quakers is falling. Many of the younger members do not seem to have heard of us. If they seek a particularly Christian experience they are often drawn to the Pentecostal Churches. New Foundation needs a more dynamic approach to outreach, and we must try to engage younger people in what we are doing and what we stand for.

Thy Friend,


At 14:55 on 10thMo. 7, 2012, Malcolm Winch said…


Firstly, have you received a report on the last Worker's Gathering? If you have not I will deal with it. Secondly, Allistair sent me details concerning "Velvet", who had contacted him via Ripley Friends' website. It seems that she wishes to discuss New Foundation and had made contact with you. Alistair has asked me to meet with her as she is in the UK. Unfortunately I don't have an EMA or telephone number for her. Do you?

Thy Friend,


At 21:53 on 10thMo. 8, 2012, Malcolm Winch said…


I have sent a mail to Velvet requesting a Meeting. I would appreciate a copy of any correspondence on this matter. There should not be a problem with this as we we are both members of the same organisation.

I will file a report tomorrow on the recent Workers' Gathering.

Many thanks for your help.

Thy Friend in Christ,


At 14:36 on 6thMo. 18, 2013, Anne Olsen said…

Hi Ellis,  I look forward to reconnecting to F/friends from my past as well as  making new F/friends.  Although I have not been active recently, I have remained interested in the work.  Here is a brief update on what has kept me busy. I finished grad school in 2002 and had a job change which required both teaching and research.  All of this has more than filled my time.  Blayne is now retired and I will follow into retirement in a few years.  We still raise sheep but at a much reduced level.  So, I should have more time for reaching out to others beyond my meeting and YM.  We are now members of Davidson Meeting - a member of North Carolina Yearly Meeting Conservative.

At 17:53 on 6thMo. 25, 2013, Anne Olsen said…

Thank you Ellis for your  note.  We decided to take a trip after our daughter strongly suggested that 50 years was worthy of celebration.  At our age the earlier the better.

At 20:01 on 2ndMo. 23, 2014, james harrison smith said…

Hello Ellis,

Thanks for the words of welcome. As among other things I did a lot of wood turning once. I liked your comments about sharp and blunt tools.

Kindest regards,


At 14:57 on 2ndMo. 26, 2014, james harrison smith said…

Hello Ellis,

Nice to see your turning site and many congratulations. Afraid I daren't turn any more because my wrists wont take it  I don't have a blog but will send some photos of things I have made, but perhaps not to this web site and when one of my computer wizz children comes to stay.

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