New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

We had a very precious time last evening on the monthly Fox reading conference call. We began on Sermon III from That Thy Candles May Always be Burning.

One of the things we spoke about concerned the word "Lord". The historical meaning of Lord is the supplier of bread. Much of what Fox had to say in the opening portions of this sermon has to do with The Supplier of Bread and what comes of eating that Bread.

What do the professors feed on? The rudiments of death in the fall. Man that lives under God's teaching lives on God's bread, bread that comes down from heaven, from above, to feed upon God's bread, to live by his bread which is life. Then here is a mind in the Lord's life and power and above. Here is the heavenly mind and the eye that looks for the heavenly bread from above. So now you are come under God's teachings: "Learn of me," (Matt. 11:29) saith Christ. Hear him. Take heed what you hear! Have you heard the serpent? They feed on that which he gave, which is dust. Now Christ bruises the head of him, and God has spoken to us by his son. So now, feed not on the serpent's food, but feed on God's bread, and hear him from heaven. See what all mankind hath got by feeding [on] and hearing the serpent. Now come: hear God again.

There is a lot in the opening pages of this sermon that is worth considering.

Views: 110

Comment by Bradley Keith Whitley on 12thMo. 11, 2013 at 18:39

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