New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

What did George Fox mean by "And live in the spirit..."?

Epistle LXXIV

Our discussion on 12/17/23 dwelt for some time on the sentence, "And live in the spirit, in which ye will have unity and peace, and the spiritual weapons, to cut down the spiritual enemies of your peace." There are many Christian groups who claim to make the Holy Spirit central. If you listen to them or read their writings you seldom hear Jesus Christ mentioned as a present influence. It is as though they say, "Jesus did His job some 2,000 years ago. We will see Him again at the end of the world. In the meantime we have this substitute called the Holy Spirit." Is this what Fox meant when he said, "live in the spirit?"

You can hear our discussion on this and other parts of this epistle by going to
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