New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

Malcolm Winch's Comments

Comment Wall (14 comments)

At 12:59 on 10thMo. 12, 2011, Ellis Hein said…
Hi Malcom and welcome to the NFF website. Ellis Hein
At 12:59 on 10thMo. 12, 2011, Allistair Lomax said…

Hi Malcolm,

Welcome to the New Foundation Web site. Please feel free to get involved in the site by asking questions and posting your own blogs, photos and video clips.

Incidentally, have you met up or know, with Simon Watson, who lives in Greenwich? He's been involved in NFF in the past, and would be a useful contact.

At 16:41 on 4thMo. 1, 2012, Ellis Hein said…

Thanks for the comment you left on my page. I am glad to know of your involvement and activity. I don't think I have ever met Richard Langford, but I do know Simon and Julie Watson.  Ellis.

At 16:53 on 4thMo. 12, 2012, Stuart Masters said…

Thank you for your message Malcolm. I agree with you that we should be sharing the Christian Quaker message with other Christians. I think the conditions are right for it to be well received in many churchs (not all obviously). Shalom, Stuart.

At 20:01 on 4thMo. 13, 2012, Stuart Masters said…

Things seem to be shifting among some Evangelicals. I think this began in the 1970s with the publication of the Mennonite John Howard Yoder's 'The Politics of Jesus' this has prompted a greater interest in a peace church theology and concern for the poor and outcast. In the US this position is represented by the Sorjourners magazine.

At 18:14 on 6thMo. 26, 2012, Suzanne Elliott said…

So pleased to hear this news, Malcolm.  I would love to join you in Meeting for Worship sometime, thank you.  I do hope you, and anyone else who may wish to,  will be able to make it to Ely in 10th Month. It will be good to meet up with you and hear of the progress you are making. :) In Him, Sue

At 6:38 on 7thMo. 19, 2012, Justin Meggitt said…

Thank you Malcolm.

I will follow the Spinoza material up.

I know Bevis Marks well but I think there are quite a few myths that have been allowed to grow up around it. It looks more like the Quaker refused to keep money in excess of the original estimate rather than not taking a profit per se. I've a very pedantic footnote on this in a forthcoming book.

I do hope our paths cross again soon. As I said, I really am keen to get down to London, when I can - though this summer is hideously busy with teaching. It was very good to meet you.


At 13:04 on 10thMo. 1, 2012, Ellis Hein said…

Malcom, Thanks for the update concerning Tomasz, translation of material into Polish, and possible opening of opportunities in Poland.

There may be an opportunity developing over here for me and another friend to hold a series of meetings at an Evangelical Friends Church in southeastern Colorado. If it comes about, it will probably be next spring.


At 13:01 on 10thMo. 2, 2012, Ellis Hein said…

Malcom, this is good news about your opportunity to speak to the women's group.  I feel a stirring of Life within that will not be stopped if we stand faithful in what we are given to do. I have been moved to pray "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven," but am given to understand that the Father's will and the Father's kingdom must come in me and in us before it can do so on Earth. I am aware of my inabilities and know that if anything of good comes of the opportunities ahead, it will not be because of my strength, wit, wisdom, and charisma. 

My apologies for the rant, I think it more necessary for me to be reminded of these things than for me to tell them to you.



At 12:14 on 10thMo. 8, 2012, Ellis Hein said…

Malcolm, I have the email address Velvet used when she applied for membership in the website: . I did not approve her membership because I found her answers to be so confused. If it would be of use to you I can forward to you her correspondence. It might be of use to you. (Or is that some breach of etiquette?)

No, I have not received anything regarding the recent worker's gathering.


At 12:43 on 10thMo. 9, 2012, Ellis Hein said…


I have sent you a copy of the email message from Velvet to your legalo email address. Let me know if you did not receive it.

Thanks in advance for the report on the worker's meeting.


At 19:16 on 10thMo. 9, 2012, Suzanne Elliott said…

Thank you Malcolm, it was lovely to see you again.  I hope I will be able to get to London too.  It was very encouraging to hear of your group's progress and I will continue to hold you all in the Light.

In His love,


At 22:09 on 10thMo. 29, 2012, Gerard Guiton said…

I hope you enjoy it, Malcolm. I was intrigued to find there's a Conservative MW at FH. Hopefully, when in London next year I'll be able to attend.

Blessings to you, Gerard (Gerry) 

At 12:24 on 10thMo. 30, 2012, Gerard Guiton said…

Thanks for that, Malcolm. Pls pass on my best wishes to the group. And also to Simon and Allisdair next time you see them.


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