New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

We have recently received the following from Tomasz Kowalski, in Turin, Poland. He is visiting London with family and friends, from today (27-4-2012) to the 8-5-2012. Would any NFF supporters in the London area be able to meet up with him. I have invited him to the Ripley Gathering on the 5th of  5th Month at Ripley, but I think it would be good for him to meet a wider circle of NFF Friends;

Allistair Lomax

Hello Brothers and Sisters,
My name is Tomasz Kowalski, I live in Torun, Poland.
I am 43 years old, I am Christian from 24  years.
Since 2003 I have worked in non-governmental  organizations which help prisoners and their families.
Now I work in Fundation for Rehabilitation  Development, Torun, Poland (  ).
2 years ago when I was preparing a lecture about  prisons history for students, I found  information about Quakers.
When I was starting to read more about Quakers,
I found out that I always have been experienced  my faith as a Quaker
and I have felt like a sailor reaching a  harbour after a long journey.
My Lord has touched my heart to establish  Foundation for Quakers in Poland
and look for Christians experiencing their faith  in the similar way.
Between 27 April and 8 May I will  be in London to visit my friends and family.
It would be a great  experience for me to meet Quakers in UK and take part in Quakers  Meeting.
If You have will and free time to meet, please  contact
by phone or sms to number +44 796 55 46  06 (it is my mobile number in Poland)
or e-mail .
With friendship
Tomasz Kowalski

* * *

Society  of Friends Foundation

UP Torun 1, PO Box 228, 87-100 Torun,  Poland

mob. (+48 - 796) 55 46 06, fax (+48 - 56) 62  20 178


Views: 326

Comment by Malcolm Winch on 4thMo. 27, 2012 at 22:21

 I have already received a copy of the letter from our Friend in Poland. He is more than welcome to join us at any time in Bromley, or at one of our NFF events. If he would like to speak to me , or to Sean Farrell, he is welcome to do so.

Comment by Malcolm Winch on 4thMo. 29, 2012 at 13:41

Tomasz joined us today at Meeting For Worship at Bromley, and afterwards talked to us all about his life, convincement, and the work he does for prisoners in Poland. He is very keen to make and continue contact with more conservative British Friends, and has suggested that there may be members of the ex-patriot Polish community here who would be open to hearing about us. He is interested in joining us at Ripley on 5thMo.5th and it would be helpful to know if anybody is likely to be travelling from North London  by car and might be willing to offer transport and conduct.

Comment by Allistair Lomax on 5thMo. 4, 2012 at 15:49

Hi Malcolm. I got your phone message and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow...

Comment by Ellis Hein on 5thMo. 13, 2012 at 22:17

Is there a report of the meeting at Ripley? and Did Tomasz attend? I am interested to hear how the time there went.


Comment by Allistair Lomax on 5thMo. 14, 2012 at 8:16

Hi Ellis, there certainly is. I cut and paste it below;

"Firstly I can only echo Sue Elliot’s words in that I thoroughly enjoyed the day. I felt we were very blessed. In the morning, we held an extended Meeting for Worship, in which ministry was offered. It struck me that both contributions centred around the ‘harvest’ with quotes from John 4:35 and Luke 10:2.


In the afternoon, we laid aside our planned study material, to hear from both Tomasz Kowalski and Malcolm Winch who had journeyed up from London to be with us. Tomasz shared his spiritual journey with us. Tomasz through his life-changing experience of both being in prison and working with prisoners, and was given clear leadings from the Lord to work for the betterment of prisoners and prison reform. It was through this work, that he encountered Quakers and felt attracted to Quaker testimonies on social justice. He also became drawn to a more Christ-centred Quaker faith and discovered conservative Friends. He shared with us, latterly, a leading to set up a conservative Quaker group in Poland, which work he has begun. He told us of his desire to connect with friends of like-mind for support and fellowship. We were able to explore ways of how we could help him in his ministry in Poland. We then heard from Malcolm Winch who had journeyed with Tomasz from London. Malcolm belongs to a small group of people in the Kent area who are also seeking to connect with conservative Friends.  This group are seeking ways of preaching the Christian message and establishing networks of like-minded Friends. They hope to have connections with both Ripley meeting and Ohio YM. We are able to offer counsel on possible ways forward, emphasising the need for waiting and going forward in the Lord’s way and time.  Hopefully there will be further opportunity for fellowship and mutual support between both our groups. Speaking personally, this gathering gave me much needed encouragement, as lately I had begun to be despondent about the future of conservative Quakers in the UK. We should never underestimate the Power of the Lord to reach and convince people in unusual places and be ready to go forward in his Work."

Report from the gathering of Ripley Quakers held on 5-5-2012

Comment by Malcolm Winch on 5thMo. 14, 2012 at 8:21

Tomasz did attend the Meeting, having had to come to terms with the intricacies of British railway fare structures. He seemed very moved by the occasion, and gave Mininstry which left us much to think about. I will post a detailed Report of the Gathering during the next couple of days, as there is a great deal to be shared.

Comment by Malcolm Winch on 5thMo. 14, 2012 at 8:27

As soon as I clicked off I learned that Alistair had beaten me to it. I cannot add anything to what he has said, other than to say how much we in London value his encouragement and support, and that of other Conservative Friends.

Comment by Ellis Hein on 5thMo. 14, 2012 at 23:01

Thank you Allistair and Malcolm for your reports of the meeting in Ripley. It is encouraging to hear of the work of the Lord going forward.

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