New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

Dear Friends,

This is not a regular Blog, but I'd like to solicit everyone's opinions about upgrading this site to the next Ning Platform.

This site is currently running on a platform called Ning 2.0, but, a couple of years ago, Ning released it's latest platform, Ning 3.0. So far, I've ignored their pleas to upgrade.

From a users perspective, it will make little difference to the ordinary users of this site. It will work pretty much as before. There will be no impact on price. We will still pay the same amount to host the site.

From an administrator's perspective Ning 3.0 brings some new features that could be used to build and improve the site.

It has been 10 years since the New Foundation created this site for the work of the ministry, and my personal feeling is that it needs to some housekeeping performing on it. This would be a good moment to upgrade to Ning 3.0.

You can see a fuller list of new features here: Why migrate to Ning 3.0 ?

(Some of these features are not really relevant or useful to us)

For example:

  • Some tabs have no content
  • It's time to check all the links and downloads to make sure everything still works
  • Is there some content or functionality that needs removing or adding?

The Ning 2.0 platform is now longer being developed or supported. No new features will be added to it. 

The upside of upgrading to Ning 3.0 is that it is supported and any new features added to it will be available to us.

The downside is there is the potential for disruption while the upgrade takes place and some features like the Photo Albums will no longer be available to us.

Even though administering the site has largely fell to me over the years, nevertheless, I feel the decision to upgrade to Ning 3.0 should be a group decision.

The reasons for doing so are mainly technical, so don't feel the need to wade in, comment-wise, unless you feel moved to.

Add your comments, if you have any, on this matter.
NMBL Allistair

Views: 216

Comment by Ellis Hein on 9thMo. 23, 2020 at 11:13

Allistair, I like the list of things we would gain by upgrading to Ning 3.0. I see only advantage by upgrading, though I am sure there will be things we will have to work through. I do not sense any hesitation to move forward on this.


Comment by Allistair Lomax on 9thMo. 29, 2020 at 14:38

Thank Ellis,
I will upgrade to Ning 3.0, in the next 2 or 3 weeks.

Comment by Allistair Lomax on 1stMo. 24, 2021 at 11:10

Since my original response, I have not yet found the time to upgrade. I will keep member's notified, of how this progresses.

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