Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel
The Solid Rock
Vs 1: My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
Chorus: On Christ the Solid Rock I stand; all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.
Vs 2: When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace. In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.
Vs 3: His Oath, his covenant, his blood support me in the whelming flood; when all around my soul gives way, he then is all my hope and stay.
Vs. 4: When He shall come with trumpet sound, O then in Him may I be found! Dressed in his righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne.
At the end of my last post, I set myself the task of dealing with verse four in this one.
When He shall come with trumpet sound, O then in Him may I be found! Dressed in his righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne.
Quaker Psalm 15:
Sound, sound abroad you faithful servants of the Lord, witnesses in His name, prophets of the Highest, angels of the Lord! Sound you all abroad in the world to awaken and raise the dead out of the grave to hear the voice that is living – for the dead have long heard the dead, the blind long wondered among the blind, and the deaf among the deaf. Therefore, sound sound, you servants, prophets, angels, you trumpets of the Lord that you may awaken the dead, them that are asleep in their graves of sin, death, and hell, sea and earth, who lie in the tombs. Sound, sound abroad, you trumpets, raise up the dead, that the dead my hear the voice of God’s Son, the second Adam’s voice, the voice of the Light, the Life, the Power, the Truth, the Righteous, the Just. Sound! Sound the pleasant melodious sound. Sound, sound you the trumpets, the pleasant melodious sound abroad, that all the deaf ears may be opened to hear the trumpet’s pleasant sound to judgement and Life, condemnation and Light. Sound, sound, you trumpets all abroad, you angels of the Lord, sons and daughters, prophets of the Highest, that all that are dead and asleep in the graves, who have long dreamed and slumbered, who long have heard the beast’s voice, may wake and hear the Lamb’s voice, the Bridegroom’s, the bride’s, the great Prophet’s, the great King’s, the great Shepherd’s voice. Sound, sound it all abroad it all abroad you trumpets among Adam’s dead, for Christ is come, that they might have life, yes have it abundantly. Awaken the dead, awaken the slumberers, the dreamers, awaken them out of their tombs, sepulchers, seas. Sound, sound abroad, you trumpets, that they may all hear and they that hear may come to the Life, God’s Son. He’s risen from the dead. The grave could not hold him, nor could all the watchers of the earth with all their guards! Sound, sound you Trumpets of the Lord – to all the seekers of the living among the dead in the graves that the watchers keep -- that He’s risen, He’s not in the grave. He’s risen! There’s that under the grave of the watchers of the outward grave which must come to be awakened and come to hear His voice that they might live. Therefore, sound abroad, you Trumpets of the Lord, that the grave might give up her dead, that hell and the sea might give up their dead and all might come forth to judgement according to their works. (See Works, volume II, pages 88 and 89).
This is Terry Wallace’s poetic rendering of Fox’s clarion call to those at work in the ministry. I believe that Edward Mote had two passages of Paul’s epistles in mind when he wrote verse four of the hymn, I Thessalonians 4:13-18 and I Corinthians 15:50-58. These passages are well known and loved for their promise of the resurrection from the dead. I think George Fox had these same passages in mind as well. He saw and we have found that the ministers of the Gospel are the Trumpets calling us out of the graves we and the world have dug that prevent us from hearing and heeding the Voice of the Son.
The passages from Paul’s epistles are often read in isolation, without heed to his call to come into the Kingdom of the Son and out of the death of sin. George saw and we have experienced “No Cross; No Crown.” We would not be among those who thought they were in Christ but rejected (see Mathew 25: 31-46). This is the storm that destroys the houses not built on heeding the Voice of the Son. There must be an inward coming from death to life before there can be real hope of an outward.
“O then in Him may I be found!” The searing, cleansing, scrubbing work of the Light is to prepare us to be the home of Christ and God. Just as the outward temple was to be cleansed before God’s spirt would rest there, so must the inward. The Trumpets herald the coming. Like Elijah and John they are the voices crying in the wilderness to prepare the Way, that the King of Glory may come in. He in us and in Him we are found because The Way and the Truth have brought us into the Life and the Life into us. We hear His voice; it purifies us and dresses us in the white robes of the Saints. It is His righteousness, not our own. We can stand before the throne because the throne is set up within and among us. Christ is come in and we can sit down in the heavenly places for the feast of Truth, Just judgement and boundless Mercy. So, the One who speaks, is also the Foundation Rock on which the Temple is built, not with human hands but whose Architect and Builder is the Teacher in our midst.
Dan, here are a couple of passages from Fox that flesh your phrase (if it needs any fleshing out) "The searing, cleansing, scrubbing work of the Light is to prepare us to be the home of Christ and God." These are taken from a paper written by Fox while in Derby prison " be spread amongst Friends and other tender people, for the opening of their understandings in the way of truth, and directing them to the true teacher in themselves."
"The Lord doth show unto man his thoughts, and discovereth all the secret workings in man. And man may be brought to see his evil thoughts, running mind, and vain imaginations, and may strive to keep them down, and to keep his mind in; but cannot overcome them, nor keep his mind within to the Lord. In this state and condition submit to the spirit of the Lord that shows them, and that will bring to wait upon the Lord; and he that hath discovered them will destroy them. Therefore stand in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ (who is the author of the true faith) and mind him; for he will discover the root of lusts, evil thoughts, and vain imaginations; and how they are begotten, conceived, and bred; and then how they are brought forth, and how every evil member doth work. He will discover every principle from its own root."
"So mind the faith of Christ, and the annointing which is in you, to be taught by it, which will discover all working in you. As he teacheth you, so obey and forsake; else you will not grow in the faith nor in the life of Christ, where the love of God is received..." (p. 106)
"Oh! therefore mind that which is eternal and invisible, and him who is the creator and mover of all things: for the things that are made, are not made of things that appear; for the visible covereth the invisible sight in you. But as the Lord, who is invisible, doth open you by his invisible power and spirit, and brings down the carnal mind in you; so the invisible and immortal things are brought to light in you. Oh! therefore you that know the light, walk in the light! for there are children of darkness that will talk of the light, and of the truth, yet not walk in it; but the children of light love the light, and walk in the light. But the children of darkness walk in darkness, and hate the light. In them the earthly lusts and carnal mind choke the seed of faith, which bringeth oppression on the seed, and death over themselves. Oh! therefore mind the pure spirit of the everlasting God, which will teach you to use the creatures in their right place and which judgeth the evil. To thee, O God, be all glory and honour, who art Lord of all visibles and invisibles! To thee be all praise, who bringest out of the deep to thyself, O Powerful God! who are worthy of all glory! For the Lord who created all, and gives life and strength to all, is over all and merciful to all." (p. 107)
We live in an age where quick and convenient are the ruling concepts. But, contrary to popular culture, what you are talking about and what Fox is explaining in his paper above is not a fast-food-drive-through experience. (Anyone wanting to explore further what Fox had to say can find the above paper in the new CD Rom of Fox's Journal (Volumes 1 and 2 of the Works) which should be available from If it is not listed there, Contact Terry Wallace whose contact information is listed on that website.)
I liked the hymn. The Lord has provided me songs, but mine are simple songs usually given to me as I cleaned the Meeting House in West Chester, PA, many years ago.
Hi Rhonda, I like the hymn also. It comes to mind unbidden. I found that I needed to sit with it in a new way than I had done before. In this exercise I found that words so long familiar became infused with new meaning which I tried to articulate in the posts. Now when I hear it in the back of my mind, I don't have a hollow sense of clutching at the straws of "cheap grace". Instead I can recall the glorious work of the Lord within and around. It helps me to "keep low" or to come down there again.
I smile for you. I understand what you mean. Praise God; He has given you a gift--many gifts, I bet. I thank Him, praise Him, love Him all the time for all the gifts He gives me, and they never stop coming.
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Created by Allistair Lomax 7thMo 26, 2013 at 11:13am. Last updated by Allistair Lomax 7thMo 26, 2013.
Created by Allistair Lomax 7thMo 28, 2011 at 9:38pm. Last updated by Allistair Lomax 12thMo 29, 2018.
Created by Allistair Lomax 5thMo 25, 2011 at 8:11pm. Last updated by Allistair Lomax 3rdMo 8, 2013.
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