New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

God's love is like when a friend or family member tells you they love you, even after you hurt them or make the same mistakes over and over. They hold you, and tell you they love you, again and again; they make you believe it. I have been so blessed to have friends and family like this. People who have reflected what the love of the Creator is like to me.

This love is like having a job, but one which you cannot be fired from. No matter how many times you screw up, your boss keeps giving you not only projects, but priority projects of the highest order (even if they seem like little tasks). There is so much work to do all around us, and yet few who will take up the call. We can however quit our job. And yet the door is always open to come back. Many never return however. But you are always welcome back. And on the notice board, there are always new jobs to do.

This love is freely given to us. We cannot earn it. No matter who you are, you are loved! No more and no less than anyone else, and yet it is the greatest love of all. This is such a relief! There is no need for anxiety or worry about whether we have done enough to be loved, and there is nothing we can do to lose it. But here is the thing. If we really come to know we are loved, will we not be changed? Surely we will. Love changes us. And it has demands on our hearts, responsibilities. Not that we must do anything to receive it, but once received, the world looks very different. Love breaks into every part of our being. What was once impossible is made possible.

Others have shown me this love, have kept it alive, until I was able to come to know the source of it all, and to be filled with its presence. Knowing this, it hurts my heart to think of the people who are no longer in my life, because of my selfishness. I may never get the chance to help them see this love as was done for me! The sorrow I feel is almost too much! But then I hear the Creator speak to me, saying, “Do not stay in your sorrow for long. There are many people still in your life! And there are many who you have yet to meet. There is no time to wallow in self pity! There is so much to be done.”

Views: 162

Comment by Ellis Hein on 1stMo. 18, 2021 at 3:11

Thanks David, for giving us the benefit of you experience of the love of God and how it has played out in your life so far. I am thinking of Fox's statements to the effect that the love of God lets you see your sin, but this same love shows you the way out. We cannot abide in the love of God without participating in both.

Comment by David Raymond on 4thMo. 1, 2021 at 16:14

Thank you for your comment Ellis. Something I have felt is that God is offering us so much help, forgiveness, love. Yet we feel unworthy and undeserving (and we are) but we feel this and then say, no, I do not deserve this love and so I reject it. Maybe one day when I am worthy I will accept it. But we will never be worth of so great a love. So we must accept this love and help now, in the state we are in. And only by accepting the love God offers us freely can we ever hope to be free of sin. God's love shows us our sin, but the response I think I have to being shown that sin, is to realize just how much I need God's help, how much I need to accept this love, this love that is so sweet precisely because it is given to those who are deep in sin no less (no more) than anyone else, and which makes all things possible, yes, to leave sin behind. So all the credit can go to the Lord. Who is all powerful. Who can break into any life.

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