New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

really interesting website containing the complete Works of George Fox and other Quaker material

Forgive me if you all know of this website and I just haven't spotted it.

I was trying to find the 8 Volume Works of George Fox (at an affordable price!) and came across a site created by (I believe) 2 American Friends - they've scanned and proofed not only the complete Works, but also material by many other Friends, and the home pages also present Christian Quaker thought on the bible in a very clear and gentle way.


Views: 367

Comment by Ellis Hein on 10thMo. 17, 2011 at 14:00
Lisa, Thanks for posting this information. Yes Hall Worthington has put up a lot of valuable information. My one quibble with what he has done is that in some instances he has modernized the text. There was a time when I would have found that acceptable, even valuable, so I can't say it is a bad thing. However, I want the text in its original language now. So by all means, visit Hall's site and peruse his material. You can form your own opinion regarding original text vs. modern language.
Comment by Lisa Shaul on 10thMo. 18, 2011 at 14:27

- that is good to know about the language, but I am still firmly at the stage where I do need help at times with it.

With regards to finding copies of the Works (at an affordable price), I've managed to source 2 very old copies of vol 1&2 (the Journal), - but when I search online, it is impossible to find the editions republished by the NFF in 1990. - It should in theory be the case that some might be available second hand.

- Would anyone be able to tell me the ISBN numbers of the 1990 editions as it would enable me to search specifically ? (at the moment I get swamped by the print-on-demand reproductions of the 1831 edition- they are not cheap and give no guarentee as to print quality).

Comment by Ellis Hein on 10thMo. 18, 2011 at 22:43
Lisa I do not have a copy of the 1990 edition of the Works. Peter Glass, who is also a member of this website, bought the last set. You can send him a message regarding the ISBN and he can give you that information. If you don't get a response from him, I can telephone him and ask. Ellis
Comment by Allistair Lomax on 10thMo. 20, 2011 at 12:12
I did hear rumours to the effect that the Works had been copied onto CD. Is there any substance to those rumours?
Comment by Ellis Hein on 10thMo. 20, 2011 at 13:52
Yes there is substance to those rumors. The project is still in the proofreading stage and is not yet ready for sale. For further update, contact Pat Dallmann (a member of this site) or Terry Wallace.

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