New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

Openings 5th day, yesterday, and today

There is no need to debate Scripture. It is vain to do so. All is done. It’s our time to preach the Gospel.

Reasoning from the Scriptures is why reading them aright is essential. To read them aright requires coming to the Spirit of God in you. (Jack Cuozzo and George Fox)

We all start out living to our will. But when we claim to be Christian through Christ’s salvation, we have sighed up to be His soldier. As a soldier and He our Captain, we are to do His will, whether we understand it our not. If He gives us the armor and feeds us daily, we have no excuse or fear.

Soldiers are gathered for war. As a Christian we know the war, the war “against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Eph 6:12

Our mission is to rescue the captives of the dark forces, to capture them with repentance and redemption. “Have you repented of your sins and been redeemed through Jesus Christ? Hand them a palm-card with contact information if they have questions.

Views: 153

Comment by Ellis Hein on 10thMo. 8, 2017 at 13:28

Rhonda, From what I can find, there is nothing equivalent between what Jack Cuozzo had to say and the message of George Fox and the early Friends. The gospel has nothing to do with the Evolution-Creation debate. The gospel leads us to turn from all man's words and man's invented religions that we might come to hear the voice of Christ, who alone can speak to our condition. Neither the creation nor evolution side of this debate leads one to hear and follow the voice of Christ, to walk in the light he enlightens us with, or to feel his word within to burn up and beat down all that is contrary to God in thought, word, or deed. Promoting one side or other of this debate is not the mission of the New Foundation Fellowship nor of this website.

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