New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

George Fox can write some of the most startling, beautiful, cogent phrases, verses, and passages. Just this morning and yesterday I encountered three things he wrote that I thought profound. 

This first one is from Some Principles of the Elect People of God Who in Scorn are called Quakers, which I saw at the Quaker Heritage Press ( The sentence is from VI. Concerning the Cross. "and in that Power of God the Cross is the Fellowship, which is a Mystery, which goes through to the beginning, in which stands the Everlasting Glory, and so in that stands the very Mystery itself." (Bold type added.) 

It's that phrase that captured me. In those words I could see Jesus standing at the beginning of time?, the universe?, Eden?, waiting for all His Saints to arrive at the end of time. Fox has written other things that have given me a vision of Jesus, this one being just the latest. 

Then, in the Nickall's Fox journal I read this morning his epistle to Friends, P.309 the following:

"And here is always a seeing God present, who is not known to the world whose hearts are in the creatures, whose knowledge is in the flesh, whose minds are not renewed . . ."

When I read it I could only think of the conversation with my brother yesterday when he spoke about his wife lamenting that she couldn't "hear" Jesus. And I said to him that she, though Christian, hasn't given up her Materialist worldview, i.e.tacit belief in macro-Evolution and disbelief in the supernatural. My brother has been unable to shake off the world either, but he's aware, and I told him that only Jesus, his inward Teacher, can open that door for us. I told him was only the Lord who let me see my tacit acceptance of that great lie.

The third phrase I share from Fox's writing I also took from QHP. It's a warning to Friends (1655), which was to be read in all meetings.

"the Father of light and life;" How stunning that phrase! The Father of Light and Life, Jesus, the Son of God!

I have no other words to say, the phrase is so perfect.

Now, I have one other thing to bring to your attention because I found it startling and appropriate to my condition. It's from a November 9, 2012 blog post, which I hadn't read for a few years and forgot. 

"The Holy Spirit gave this to me. It isn't the longing and sorrows of your heart that matter. Put them aside. It is God's will that matters." (Bold type added)

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Comment by Ellis Hein on 6thMo. 28, 2016 at 10:44

Concerning the Cross is #IV of Some Principles of the Elect People of God Who in Scorn are called Quakers. I supply the whole section below:

IV. Concerning the Cross.

THe Cross of Christ is the Power of God, which crosses the World; which Cross of Christ (the Power of God) was among the Apostles, which Crucified them from outward things, Figures, Types, Shadows, and Inventions of men: So those that have gone from the Power of God since the Apostles dayes, have set up many other Crosses, who have lost the true Cross, which is the Power of God: For I say the Cross of Christ, which is the Power of God, Crucifies the state which Adam and Eve, and all their Children were in in the Fall; in which Cross is the Power; by which Cross they come to the state in which they were before their Fall; and in that Power of God the Cross is the Fellowship, which is a Mystery, which goes through to the beginning, in which stands the Everlasting Glory, and so in that stands the very Mystery it self.

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