New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

Prior to attending Norristown Meeting I sat for preparation for meeting for worship. Starting with the brief prayer that my reading be profitable to worship that morning, I found myself unable to give way and instead waited. Here's why: the Lord opened to me my anger. In that moment of opening, He gave me words. This blog are the words.

Many who self-identify as Quaker are unaware that Quakers are Christian; so when a Quaker comes in the midst of them and speaks the things of God, as all Quakers do per the command of Jesus Christ, these nominal Quakers are incensed. They go so far in their indignation that anyone would speak the Gospel (which suggests to them to forgo their personal religion and seek Jesus Christ) that they willfully persecute the Quaker in their midst.

Granted, the persecution isn't yet of the caliber that early Quakers suffered. I say "yet" because the self-identified Quakers are blind in their darkness without Jesus Christ, but claim to hold the Light, as if it were a product to be purchased upon declaration of being Quaker. Their blindness in their darkness as captives (slaves) to Satan leads them to believe they are a loving, peaceful, caring, just, and good people. Without Jesus, they cannot see themselves as they really are: a political group with prejudice and agenda. With prejudice and agenda there are likes and dislikes. Those persons or entities disliked come to be seen as enemies. Enemies are to be done away with in some form. Persecution is one form. Ridicule another; banishment and death are the ultimate solution for those captives of Satan. And they justify to themselves their persecution, etc by saying to themselves the disliked one(s) deserves maltreatment.

All persons who do not own Jesus Christ in them are vulnerable to Satan's darkness unto their destruction. The Quaker message is and has always been to draw people out of darkness and to the Light and life, who is Jesus Christ. [Where there is no persecution]

I write this paper as a witness to the persecution I suffered from Red Cedar Friends Meeting in Lansing, Michigan. What was my infraction? Doing the will of the Lord who sent me there. They abhorred my messages of Truth and warned me against speaking them. They prevented me from attending meeting for worship. They finally barred me from the building they call a Quaker Meeting. I say they barred George Fox, Margret Fell Fox, Isaac Penington, Robert Barclay, George Whitehead, Mary Dyer, John Woolman, Lewis Benson, Terry S. Wallace, etc. from the Meeting.

Views: 271

Comment by Ellis Hein on 4thMo. 8, 2017 at 1:44

Where is Norristown Meeting? Thanks

Comment by Rhonda Fuller on 4thMo. 10, 2017 at 1:22

South East Pennsylvania.

Comment by Ellis Hein on 4thMo. 10, 2017 at 1:56

Does this mean you have moved from Lansing, Michigan? I am sorry to read of the trouble you have received at Red Cedar Meeting.

Comment by Rhonda Fuller on 4thMo. 10, 2017 at 23:52

No. I was visiting my family.

On the last point I don't see it as my trouble. I see it as the trouble of the Religious Society of Friends (Quaker), a name and moniker that has been stolen and debased. Somebody tried to tell me there are liberal meetings. I said, they're apostate, but that doesn't even fit because they're NOT Christian. Anything but. Quakers didn't (don't) hate Christians; they were Christian and sought to convince Christians of the religion God gave us. 

Everything George Fox says that will be given us when we come to Jesus and keep to him is true. But that power seems to be lost as more and more (and that is a negligible number) who self-identify as Quaker establish for themselves the god and religion that comports with their ideas of what god and religion should be. Yesterday I went to a meeting in Mt. Pleasant to give my message wherein on of the participants declared himself peaceful because he had been schooled by a native Sioux religious man. So we have dwindling meetings of persons worshiping anything but the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Which means this bastardized religion has nothing to say, to give to anyone that he or she doesn't already know from the culture. I don't know about you but I had no religion in my life prior to attending West Chester Friends Meeting; I actively disbelieved in God; I thought I was too far gone to believe in God; and when I wanted to know something about the Quaker religion no one could tell me anything. Someone did give me a pamphlet--Prophetic Openings of George Fox--and reading that to the best of my understanding, my Spirit was quickened. Even more so when I began reading his journal. This is what people need.

God's religion is a beautiful and powerful religion that unites its believers, who have no political union because all are one in Jesus Christ. George Fox said every Christian must leave the market and go to harvest. The Religious Society of Friends can't sustain its existence without Jesus Christ and harvest. Still, it isn't the Meeting that is paramount but the souls in darkness. Where is the support for Quakers who do the Lord's will? 

Comment by Ellis Hein on 4thMo. 11, 2017 at 1:49

Your points are all well made and well taken! Any indication of what is next regarding Red Cedar?

Comment by Rhonda Fuller on 4thMo. 12, 2017 at 16:13

I waited to know what the Lord would have me do. My own thinking was typical human thinking. Thank goodness the Lord stayed my mind (I love that he teaches and shepherds me). He gave me the words to write the paper to read to the Meetings. He sent me to Red Cedar Meeting and now to visit the various meetings with this message. I must rely on him for the words to speak. My latest blog (Me In Worship) was about that very thing. Read it if you have a chance.

This visiting meetings will take time. I am learning much though from the Lord: few people will come to their free and inward teacher. I read the paper first to Norristown Meeting and they were unexpectedly receptive, even the young woman who related a vision she had that included a ring of fire and in the ring was "God", a woman. This young woman and the elderly man from Mt. Pleasant were typical of things I heard in Red Cedar. 

Thank you, Ellis for your positive response. 

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