New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

Dan Davenport's Blog – 3rdMo. 2011 Archive (2)

Did the Apostle Paul believe Jesus was the Prophet-like-Moses? And does it matter? Post 3 - How might Jesus be a prophet like Moses?

Hello Friends,

At the end of the second blog post, I wrote that I would begin in this third to look more directly at Moses to see what the expectation of the Prophet-like-Moses might mean.  To get there, I am going to return to Stephen’s discourse in Act 7.  In the last post the focus was on verse 37.  I encourage those of you still reading to consider the whole discourse but especially the central portion related to Moses in verses 17 – 44.  One thing to note here is that Moses gets…


Added by Dan Davenport on 3rdMo. 25, 2011 at 2:30 — 2 Comments

Did the Apostle Paul believe Jesus was the Prophet-like-Moses? And does it matter? Post 2 - A first look at the Acts passages

In this second blog post I will begin to describe the scriptural passages that point to the prophesy of the Prophet-like-Moses, or “Prophet-like-unto-Moses” (to use George Fox’s phrase). I believe this has implications for our understanding of who Jesus is as the Messiah.

There are at least two explicit references to this expectation of a prophet like Moses in the New Testament, both in the book of Acts.  They are recorded in two separate discourses, the first by Peter in chapter 3…


Added by Dan Davenport on 3rdMo. 6, 2011 at 22:30 — 2 Comments

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