New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

Dear Friends,


The Scriptures of Truth testify that those that live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.  What do you think about this passage of Scripture?


I have been meditating on it and I believe it has to do with the false Christ of the world and the saturation of earthly culture which is very seductive to our eyes.  The falsehood and the veneer of happiness is a persecutor in a way.


What are your thoughts? How do you maintain your witness as an Isolated Friend if you are one? Where do you go for support if you are not part of a Monthly Meeting?


Thanks dear Friends, May Christ lead us all and teach us to be more like Him.



Views: 65

Comment by Lawrence Richard Black on 3rdMo. 23, 2011 at 0:11

Dear Friend,

You post causes me to be concerned for you. Happiness is of God and the adversary would not have us to be happy. Our God would have us to be happy. "Blessed" the word that begins the Beatitudes, means happy and we are blessed and happy people when we walk in Christ.

Persecution comes from our adversary, who seeks to devour us. 1Pet.5

[8] Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour

As to witnessing in isolation; if we are without a meeting, we are missing support and nurture but we are not denied opportunity to witness to the Light. It can be brought into everything we do, with others or alone. In the home, at work, even at play, we can be witnesses to the Light. We witness most effectively when we are ourselves "blessed", or happy.

I do hope I have not misunderstood your questions.

Comment by Bradley Keith Whitley on 3rdMo. 24, 2011 at 21:00

I see!


Perhaps persecution is from the adversary and the ability to endure and to rise above the attitude of our oppressors is from Our Lord.


Thanks for the clarity Friend Lawrence. Thank you...


With Love in the Redeemer,



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