New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

Ellis Hein's Blog – 7thMo. 2015 Archive (4)

The Good News: part 4

Continued from part 3. This is the final installment

3 A Question of Occupation

What are you doing?

The Exodus 19 passage quoted above gives voice to the concept of the kingdom of God that was fundamental to the foundation of Israel. But the prophets spoke of a life in the Kingdom of God that would transcend the Mosaic law. Moses pointed to the prophet whom God would raise up, into whose mouth He would put His words. This prophet would speak God’s word to the…


Added by Ellis Hein on 7thMo. 19, 2015 at 11:08 — 1 Comment

The Good News: part 3

The Good News: part 3

….Continued from part 2....

The Good News, the real Good News, is all good news. There is no dualism involved. Jesus began his earthly ministry announcing “repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand.” He continues his earthly ministry proclaiming “repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand.” “So,” you may ask, “when do we get to see that Kingdom come? It has been 2,000 years since Jesus announced that it was at hand. Shouldn’t it have arrived by now? ” The Kingdom…


Added by Ellis Hein on 7thMo. 18, 2015 at 10:30 — No Comments

The Good News: part 2

...Continued from part 1....

Look at the contrast between what modern evangelists and preachers declare as the gospel and the message proclaimed by George Fox and the early Quakers:

...therefore, fear the Lord, let him be your fear and dread, and turn to the light, which Christ the Son hath enlightened you withal, and believe in Christ, the saviour of the world, the offering for the sin of the whole world, that you might have life in him, and through him, and come to…

Added by Ellis Hein on 7thMo. 17, 2015 at 11:32 — No Comments

The Good News: part 1

Note: the following four posts are taken from the my presentation at the 2015 gathering, which has been broken at logical break points into a series of smaller sections.

1 Introduction

All churches claim to be preaching the gospel. We can either accept that as a given and live with the confusion of disparate messages or we can come to some yardstick that is able to distinguish the true gospel from the false. In this session I want to hold before us such a…


Added by Ellis Hein on 7thMo. 16, 2015 at 12:03 — No Comments

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