New Foundation Fellowship

Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel

8thMo. 2016 Blog Posts (5)

Partaking of the Sufferings (part three)

Receiving faith through hearing Christ, the Word of God, was the life-changing event for Fox, and so it is for everyone who follows the same excruciating path of partaking of sufferings.

Receiving faith ends the old, worldly order of misery as well as the moral evil that arises from humanity's determination to muffle and quell the fear of weakness and self-diminishment, the fear of death.

Emil Brunner in The Christian Doctrine of Church, Faith, and the Consummation…


Added by Patricia Dallmann on 8thMo. 23, 2016 at 12:13 — 3 Comments

Partaking of the Sufferings (part two)

 Two centuries before Dickens wrote about the Roman Carnival, the seventeenth-century men and women that would bring forth the Quaker movement had been engaged in something like a Lenten practice. George Fox and others subjected themselves to rigorous self-examination that was, in fact, the awareness the Lenten discipline was intended to evoke. That Friends opted to undergo this self-scrutiny in the absence of any cultural prod vouches for their having been guided not by a culturally…


Added by Patricia Dallmann on 8thMo. 22, 2016 at 12:29 — No Comments

Partaking of the Sufferings (part one)

[This essay was first presented at our annual gathering last month. This is the first part of three, and in the next couple days, I expect to post the second and third parts.] 

And our hope of you is steadfast knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation (2 Cor. 1:7).

In a world that is ever plagued by deceit and cruelty, suffering seems unavoidable. Yet Paul in this verse implies that suffering is optional: one may choose…


Added by Patricia Dallmann on 8thMo. 21, 2016 at 17:01 — No Comments

We Are Safe in Christ

What did Jesus mean when he admonished, "Do not fear him who can kill the body, but him who can kill the soul?" For years I pondered what it might mean for my soul to be killed. Eternal damnation is the obvious meaning, but there's surely more.

Jesus is also the one who said, "I came that you might have life and have it to the full." Did he only mean, "I came that you might go to heaven after your body dies?" Again, I've often felt that there had to be more.

Life in the… Continue

Added by Rebecca Hein on 8thMo. 17, 2016 at 13:17 — No Comments

Report on annual gathering of New Foundation Fellowship

New Foundation workers and supporters gathered at Ellis and Rebecca Hein's property near Casper, Wyoming, for an annual gathering in Seventh month, 7th through 10th. Seven people attended, two of them new to our gathering. Those attending were Kevin Anderson, Casper; Patricia Dallmann, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Rhonda Fuller, Lansing, Michigan; Ellis Hein, Casper; Rebecca Hein, Casper; Rae Lawrence, Milton-Freewater, Oregon; and Ron Sirkel, Lees Summit, Missouri. On the first evening of…


Added by Patricia Dallmann on 8thMo. 1, 2016 at 13:21 — No Comments

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