Reproclaiming the Everlasting Gospel
King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon built an enormous golden statue and proclaimed "O peoples and nations of every language, you are commanded, when you hear the sound of horn, pipe, zither, triangle, dulcimer, music, and singing of every kind, to prostrate yourselves and worship the golden image." Then the King heard that three young men at his court, the Israelites Shadrach, Mesach and Abednego, refused to worship the statue. King Nebuchadnezzar summoned the three and threatened them: "If you…
ContinueAdded by Annette Estella Hein on 5thMo. 31, 2016 at 0:57 — 1 Comment
Today is the day the world celebrates as Pentecost. Though we Quakers have a mild taboo against celebrating particular days, I do often celebrate them, privately, because all the direction and structure of my life is acknowledged in these particular days, and I am affirmed through celebrating a shared knowledge and purpose with those of the past. "Hello Peter; hello David; we are just some centuries apart, but our inward life, our knowledge and love of God, is the same."
There have…
ContinueAdded by Patricia Dallmann on 5thMo. 15, 2016 at 16:33 — No Comments
Oh, my goodness--and He is my Goodness--I was just going to write in my notebook for later development this recognition: everything thing I know and understand comes from God. My intelligence is no greater now than it was x number of years ago, but my spiritual growth these last two, three years has been phenomenal. Still, prior to this growth, whatever it was I realized or whatever great thought I had came from God, but I was arrogant enough to believe I had some special insight or…
ContinueAdded by Rhonda Fuller on 5thMo. 10, 2016 at 12:47 — 1 Comment
Joy, joy, and more joy. But first let me tell you the misery I went through last week--because I didn't follow the will of my Lord last First Day. I was sent to Quaker Meeting to give the true Quaker Message to those who claim to be Quaker but are not because they've never heard the Quaker Message. What they have heard is some other, not-Quaker message.
Quakers of the early Nineteenth Century did not keep under the teaching of Jesus Christ and so Satan got in and snuckered them into…
ContinueAdded by Rhonda Fuller on 5thMo. 8, 2016 at 18:55 — No Comments
The NFF exists to preach the Christian Message that was proclaimed by the Early Friends. Christ has come to teach his People himself
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Created by Allistair Lomax 7thMo 26, 2013 at 11:13am. Last updated by Allistair Lomax 7thMo 26, 2013.
Created by Allistair Lomax 7thMo 28, 2011 at 9:38pm. Last updated by Allistair Lomax 12thMo 29, 2018.
Created by Allistair Lomax 5thMo 25, 2011 at 8:11pm. Last updated by Allistair Lomax 3rdMo 8, 2013.
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